Explore the Projects

Stories for All brings together over forty community and University of Kansas partner projects. This page enables you to identify partner projects that interest you and takes you to their websites.

You can search and filter projects by topic, partner, or digital genre. Please contact storiesforall@ku.edu if you have any difficulties.
person over a desk with posters.

Survivors Speak: Centering Survivor Autonomy in Digital Storytelling

Jay Yoder

Jay Yoder

Director of Operations and Co-Founder Into Account

Erin Bergen

Erin Bergen

Director of Student Advocacy Into Account
Sexualized violence survivors are often considered socially suspect voices in the accounting of their own experiences, and given undersized roles in shaping the narrative that makes sense of what justice looks like after acts of sexualized violence. In a reflection of existing social inequities, a survivor’s account of their own experience is only as authoritative as their social power, and the social power of those who believe them, allow/s.