Voices of Dementia
Amy Berkley
Amy Berkley
Of the sixty million Americans providing care to a family member, two thirds are women providing care to aging mothers. These stories explore the unique relationships between aging mothers and their adult daughters, and how those relationships change with the onset of dementia. These stories and analyses will be collected into an online archive accessible to families undergoing similar experiences.
amysberkley@gmail.comAmy Berkley, PhD, RN, nurse researcher specializing in older adults, sleep disorders, and the care of people with Alzheimer’s disease and related dementias (ADRD). Dr. Berkley works to include the voices of people living with dementia in research studies to ensure their experiences and perceptions are incorporated into practice. Her goal is to develop interventions that support older adults and their families in their current living situation, to avoid or delay progressive decline and institutionalization, and to improve standards of care and quality of life in institutional living facilities.
Digital Genres:
Oral History
Amy Berkley